
People don’t like talking about HIV; It’s a taboo subject with a bad brand. It’s time to change that. Update HIV is a global health campaign led by Youth Against AIDS & the ohhh! foundation to end HIV stigma once and for all. 

What is Update HIV?

Discover some of the most frequently asked questions around the campaign and discover how you can get involved. 

The ohhh! foundation

Ohhh! is the organization for Human Health and Happiness. Founded in 2009, ohhh! has grown to be a leading voice for innovation in prevention and provides sex education programmes for schools, creates public awareness campaigns and is an initiator of a large-scale condom distribution program.


The foundation is supported by and works closely with partners like global brands, institutions and governments to reach out to provide sexual health solutions for young people.


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Rename HIV

Help support the campaign by voting on a new name for the virus.